3:57 p.m. on June 15, 2003

Rebecca is The current mood of at

Today is really the two year anniversary of my diary, but I deleted my very first entry for some reason. I just know that it is. Two years ago, I was in Hawaii, with Clint and I about to get together and no best friend. Wow, things have changed SO much. I feel like Andrew doesn't care that I like him as much as I do, and I feel like my emotions are not returned. I feel like everything I do with him and for him doesn't matter because he will never ask me to be with him and we will never me more or anything like that. Garrett and I are still really good friends, but it is so awkward hanging out with him, because of the mututal feelings we still share. And then I get with Andrew and it's like my heart flies into the ozone and I am so happy. It makes me so upset to think that he doesn't share these feelings, especially since he says he does. But then why wouldn't he do something about it?

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